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Category: Krapanj News
All the latest news from Krapanj.
The New Ferry gets Blessed
The new Krapanj ferry (trajekt) boat was ceremoniously blessed etc. today.
Refurbished Ferry Arrives
The Freshly Refurbished Ferry arrived back on Krapanj yesterday 21 Dec.
Modern Art
Modern Art On Krapanj ??
Latest Rumor On Krapanj
The path around the end of Krapanj is now complete, you can now walk on a concrete path all the way to the bay by the church woods.
The hotel is rumored to be for sale, 5 million euros. Lets start a collection, and save it from the Russans!
Still no shop on Krapanj, and again rumor is that they can’t find a suitable location.
Heavy Rain
The heavy rain last night knocked out electricity, and sank one boat. Everyone helped and the boat was returned to the surface.
Sibenik was without electricity for about 30 mins
Broaderica 1 to 2 hours.
Krapanj 9 hours !!! ( Electricity travels much slower under water).